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Read moreBelow, you will find a selection of reference customers and, further down the page, a number of reference objects.
A selection of customers that have purchased and used injection and special products from GMA over the years and some clients who we been sub supplier too.
A slightly more detailed description of some of the projects that have used injection materials and/or special products from GMA over the years.
GMA has been a subcontractor of injection equipment to several contractors involved in the tunnel construction of one of Sweden's largest infrastructure projects, Förbifart Stockholm.
This has meant that to date (March 2022), we have delivered over 300,000 compressible packers and over 56,000 injection pipes to the project, and deliveries continue.
Some of the major contractors who received deliveries from GMA for this project are: AF-anläggning, Besab, Implenia, Subterra, and Strabag.
GMA is a subcontractor to most of the contractors involved in the other major infrastructure project in Stockholm, the extension of the metro.
The injection equipment ordered so far has been both low-pressure and high-pressure packers and associated injection pipes (high-pressure packers because of the depths to which they have sometimes descended). Thorbolt is also included in our deliveries here.
The contractors we have worked with so far are: CRTG, Implenia, NCC, OHLA, Skanska, Subterra, and YIT, a list that is still growing. In addition to these main contractors, deliveries are made directly to a number of subcontractors engaged in the project, such as BESAB, TunnelGruppen, and others.
For both of these major infrastructure projects, GMA has supplied packers and injection pipes, but also support brackets for the Northern Link.
The contractors we have supplied materials to are Implenia, Oden Anläggning, and Veidekke.
More information about the suspension bracket can be found in the Special Products section Mechanical and Welded Products.
GMA is the supplier of injection equipment to NCC-W&F West Link Contractors, AGN-Haga and Veidekke in Gothenburg for the construction of the West Link, i.e., the new 6km long railway tunnel under the city that also includes three new stations.
The deliveries have mainly been reusable packers (almost 6,000), disposable packers (more than 30,000), injection pipes with side outlets (nearly 5,000), and Thorbolt, and the project is still ongoing (July 2022).
The West Link project is symbolized by a famous view in Gothenburg, Feskekörka, which is located opposite Haga, where one of the three stations is being built.
Finally, regarding projects on the western side of Sweden, a little further down the west coast, a 2.8km long tunnel is being built for train traffic under Varberg. The contractor there includes Implenia, to whom we also supply injection equipment.
One of Sweden's more publicized tunnel projects where GMA was the supplier of packers (not the actual injection agent/chemical). A number of different packers were developed for this project, where mainly inflatable disposable aluminum packers were used.
These disposable packers could be used in front of the TBM machine and then ground down as production continued.
The Norwegian market has been crucial for GMA from the start in 1992 and, on several occasions, even larger than our own domestic market. GMA has always cooperated with Codan in Norway, which has since been acquired by the current LundgrensNorge AS.
Scandinavian tunneling with "Drill and Blaast" in combination with Pre-Excavating Grouting has largely been developed in Norway, and GMA, in close cooperation with former Codan, has developed products for this production method, which have then been spread all over the world.
Since it is impossible to report all the projects we have carried out in Norway, we have chosen to present some of the larger projects coming soon, including Follobanen (pictured TBM project in hard rock). A list of successful projects that we, together with Codan/LundgrensNorge, have been suppliers to is as follows:
Together with LNS (Norway) and later on with Normet, GMA has supplied a number of products to the huge HATS (Harbour Area Treatment Scheme) project in Hong Kong.
Mainly high-pressure packers and high-pressure injection pipes, but also long Thorbolts (1000mm).